poniedziałek, 19 kwietnia 2010

19 04 2010 - woda ikrew

Dziś z Jarkiem znów popływaliśmy - chyba już poza nami nikt nie pływa, co?
Jarek normalnie, ja spokojniej, na 75%, bo potem do PCK.
Następna okazja dopiero w czerwcu.
Chyba, że Wojtek kogoś weźmie.

5 komentarzy:

  1. A tfu.
    Mnie nie wezmie bankowo.
    Wt, śr, czw - pętla 6.00.
    Pt - WSM 6.00
    Sb i nd - pętla 7.30(spodziewmy sie tak licznej grupy jak ostatnio)

    W jeden z weekendowych dni wypadaloby wreszcie uruchomic rower - wtedy godzina i miejsce do ustalenia.

  2. Mnie też już rower ciągnie. Ale początek musi być lajtowy, żeby się nie zniechęcić. Majonez - kuruj kolana!

  3. Chetnie pojechalbym gdzies dalej, niekoniecznie po sciolce, krzakach i z pionowych górek.

  4. Pochwaliłem się gdzieś w internecie, że oddałem krew i taką historię ktoś dopisał, wprawdzie po angielsku, ale ćwiczcie języki:

    When I was 9, my brother Dail got his throat slashed from ear to ear. He had tried to stop a man from beating up his wife/girlfriend outside of a bar, and the guy took a church key to him. The bartender had a waitress hold a towel to his neck and they drove him as fast as they could to the hospital. He had to have 4 units the minute he got there, and they were less than a mile away. When we got to the hospital, my mom started phoning people to come down and donate blood. My mom and dad couldn't donate because of health issues. I was panicked thinking they wouldn't get there in time and wanted them to take my blood. My dad calmed me down by telling me that he had already gotten blood from someone who had come in days before to donate for him. I thought that meant they knew he was going to get hurt and should have warned him. My dad said they didn't know Dail was going to need blood, but they knew someone would. When I turned 17, all I asked for my birthday was permission to donate, and I've been doing it ever since. Dail's 62 years old now, and still carries a wicked scar, and every time I donate, I do it for him.

  5. Na prawdę wzruszające. MPG
